
Best Coffee

Thursday, August 31, 2017

3 Things to Avoid While Drinking Your Coffee

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More and more studies have been showing the health benefits of coffee in our body. And we also can't deny the fact that drinking coffee gives us the high that we so need any time of the day.

Some of us love to mix coffee with some other things just for pleasure. But wait, those "things" may not be good for your health. 

Here are the 3 things you need to avoid while drinking your coffee:

1. Avoid sugar overload in your coffee.

Avoid putting too much sugar in your coffee. Sugar contains a high amount of fructose that can cause diseases like obesity or diabetes.

If you can't live without a sweetener, use stevia instead.

2. Avoid artificial sweeteners in your coffee.

Artificial sweeteners are believed to be calorie free. However, the evidence doesn't support that claim. 

 Many health problems are linked to artificial sweeteners. 

Again, use stevia if you want your coffee to be a little sweet.

3. Avoid low-fat or artificial creamers.

Most commercial low-fat and artificial creamers are highly processed, containing unnatural and harmful ingredients.

If you want, you can add your coffee with full fat cream, preferably from grass-fed cows.

Drinking coffee will pick you up. And it helps you more when you know your coffee is as healthy as you want it to be.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

4 Reasons Why Coffee Could Be Bad For Your Health

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That's what they're telling! While many are advocating the health benefits of coffee, others are avoiding it. 

Before raising your eyebrows on this one, let's take a look into the reasons why coffee could be bad for someone's health. 

1. Bad coffee may contain toxins.

A coffee made of poor quality beans may contain toxins that can cause sickness, headache or an awful feeling. This can only happen when the coffee beans were damaged upon production. To avoid this, choose high-quality coffee beans.

2. Coffee can kill you.

This is possible when you consume 80-100 cups a day (23 liters) in a short period of time. This dose contains a total of 10-13 grams of caffeine which could be lethal to your body. But before that happens, you'll be vomiting because 23 liters is a lot.

3. Consuming coffee may cause insomnia.

The recommended maximum amount of caffeine is 400 milligrams, the amount you'll get from 4 cups of coffee. If you're caffeine sensitive, then this might be too much for you. Just be aware what suits your body.

4. Coffee is harmful to pregnant women.

There are studies that show the effects of coffee on a fetus. When you drink coffee while you're pregnant, certain amounts of caffeine may reach your baby. It's best to reduce your coffee consumption to one cup a day.

From the above statements, do you think coffee is really that bad? Well, whatever your answer is, just be aware what you take inside your body whether it's coffee or not.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

How Coffee Reduces Disease-Causing Inflammation
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More and more studies are conducted on coffee and in its health benefits. One of which is how coffee can reduce diseases that are triggered by inflammation.

 A research published in Nature Medicine states that caffeine has an amazing influence on the immune system helping it fight and ward off diseases.

Coffee derived its stimulating "wake-up" effect by blocking certain receptors in brain cells. By impeding these receptors, caffeine blocks the pathways that produce inflammatory molecules.

This is why older men and women who drink coffee have fewer inflammatory molecules. They're also found to have lower blood pressure and flexible arteries, according to the research.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Why Men Should Drink Coffee
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Men love to drink coffee mostly for its pick-me-up effect in the morning. But, there's more to your cup of coffee. In fact, coffee brings a myriad of health benefits.

Earlier this year, scientists in Italy published a study in the International Journal of Cancer with the conclusion that three or more cups of dark coffee a day can reduce the chance of developing prostate cancer by more than half.

The study analyzed the drinking habits of men for a period of four years and compared them to prostate cancer diagnosis with the same time span. The researchers found out that those who consumed more than three cups of Italian-style coffee a day have reduced risk of getting cancer by 53%.

It's also found out that only caffeinated coffee can reduce cancer cell growth.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Coffee As An Alternative Health Beverage to Water
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As you have always known, coffee is a beverage that offers many health benefits.

Aside from that health benefits, your body will also thank you for taking a cup of coffee for the following reasons:

1. Coffee helps you in getting things moving.

When you feel tired or low on energy, a cup of coffee will help you get things moving again.

The stimulants found in a hot cup of coffee help peristalsis, the muscle contractions in the digestive system, making you get moving with ease.

2. Coffee helps you age gracefully.

Studies have shown that black coffee reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease by boosting dopamine levels in the body. Taking black coffee without sugar keeps your mind and body young.

3. Coffee cleanses your stomach.

Coffee is considered as a diuretic beverage that when taken makes you want to urinate more often.

So, if you want to flush out all the toxins in your body in the form of urine, take black coffee without sugar. It's the best way to clean your stomach.

How Drinking Coffee Makes You Alert

Feeling tired due to insufficient sleep? A cup of joe answers that. One health benefit of coffee is that it makes you feel alert and ene...