
Best Coffee

Monday, July 31, 2017

Drink Black Coffee and Lose Weight
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Coffee offers tons of health benefits from reducing risks of cancer and other diseases to keeping you alert to improving your memory and countless others.

Aside from those health benefits, coffee is also great in your weight loss regimen.

Consuming black coffee helps you lose weight because it is calorie free, keeping you away from the sugar and cream that can pack on the pounds.

One cup of coffee added with two teaspoons of sugar and an ounce of half-and-half has 69 calories. If you consume 3 cups of coffee a day, that means an addition of extra 207 calories. Switching to black coffee from coffee with sugar and cream a day for a year will save more than 75,000 calories. And that is equal to nearly 22 pounds of fat.

You can try it and see the difference.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Top 3 Reasons Why Men Drink Coffee

Aside from the pick-me-up effect that a cup of coffee provides in the morning, men sighted top 3 reasons why drinking coffee offers amazing health benefits.

  1. Helps them stay alert while driving.

Drowsy driving is a big no-no as it’s often the cause of major road accidents. So before getting behind the wheel, men prefer to drink one cup of caffeinated coffee before embarking on one or more hours of tedious driving.

  1. Makes them remember things easier.

One study shows that men who drank 200 milligrams of caffeine were able to remember images presented to them twenty-four hours earlier than those who didn't consume coffee.

  1. It boosts their mood.

Men considered coffee as a happy pill. Drinking 2-3 cups a day lifts their mood making them less likely to develop depression.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Feeling Depressed? Drink Coffee

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Hooray to coffee drinkers! You’re likely to be happier and less depressed. Read on to find out one of coffee's health benefits.
A study titled, "Coffee, Caffeine, and Risk of Depression Among Women," led by Michel Lucas of the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) found that drinking 4 or more cups of caffeinated coffee lowered the risk of depression by 20%. 
Those who drank decaf, tea, soft drinks, chocolate and other beverages that contain less caffeine don't appear to be protected against depression.
They attributed the result as due to the coffee's capacity to act as the central nervous system stimulant.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Coffee Consumption Associated With Longer Life

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When you're a coffee drinker, you'll naturally feel the wonder that a cup of coffee brings, whether it be a steaming cup in the morning to awaken your senses, a sweating glass of iced coffee to freshen up on a hot afternoon, or a warm mug in the evening to unwind after a long day.

But do you know that a cup of coffee offers more than that? A new study published on July 10 in the journal, Annals of Internal Medicine cited that coffee consumption prevents early death from a number of diseases.

More than 521,330 people were included in the study which lasted for 16.4 years. 25% of coffee drinkers in the study consumed 3 or more cups a day. Among that group, 12% of men were less likely to die early compared to non-coffee drinkers and 7% of women were less likely to die early.

The study concluded that coffee consumption was associated with reduced risk of death from various causes. This goes without saying that one of the coffee health benefits is long life.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

How Caffeine Found in Coffee Increases Metabolism and Burns Fat

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Caffeine, an active ingredient found in coffee, is the world's most commonly consumed psychoactive substance.

It has found its way to fat-burning supplements because of its ability to mobilize fat tissues and increase metabolism.

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, which in turn commands the fat cells to break down fat.

It also increases our blood levels of the hormone Epinephrine, which travels through the blood and fat tissues sending signals to break down fats and release them into the blood.

With these process, fat is mobilized from the fat tissues and become available as free fatty acids in the blood.

 Coffee Health Benefits.

Friday, July 21, 2017

How Drinking Coffee Makes You Smart

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We all want to get smarter. Aren't we?

One way to get our creative juices flowing is by drinking coffee. This is one of the health benefits of coffee. Unconvinced? Here's how.

Caffeine, the stimulant found in coffee, when consumed is carried from the intestines into the bloodstream and ultimately into the brain. Once it gets there, it blocks the neurotransmitter adenosine and increases brain activity.

By preventing adenosine, other neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine have a clear passage to do their work of increasing the firing rate of neurons which results in an improved mood, better memory, concentration and reaction time.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Studies Show Coffee Intake Reduces the Risk of Certain Diseases

Coffee drinkers read this. While some of us have negative concepts of drinking coffee, certain studies proved how drinking coffee may reduce the risk of certain diseases.

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Here are 3 of these studies:

  1. Reduction of mortality risk from liver cirrhosis.

Lead researcher Dr. Woon-Puay Koh stated that they examined the effects of drinking coffee, alcohol, black tea, green tea, and soft drinks on the risk of mortality from cirrhosis. What their study found out was there was a 66% reduction in mortality risk of subjects who drank 2 or more cups of coffee per day compared to non-coffee drinkers.

  1. Lowered risk of type 2 diabetes in postmenopausal women.

This study conducted by Iowa Women’s Health Study claimed that there is a 22% lower risk of diabetes for women who consumed 6 or more cups of coffee per day. They attributed the findings to the minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants found in coffee.

  1. Lowered risk of Dementia.

The Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging and Dementia (CAIDE) study implied that there was a decreased risk of dementiaA/D by about 65% by those who consumed 3-5 cups of coffee at midlife.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

5 Reasons Why Every Woman Should Include Coffee in Their Beauty Regimen

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There’s nothing more soothing for a woman to do first thing in the morning than curl up on a cozy chair with a cup of coffee. But women, there’s more that coffee can do for your body. It’s also a great ingredient for your beauty regimen. Find out in the following:

  1. It gives an extra glow to your face.

A special scrub made from coffee grounds keep your skin brighter, prevent pores from clogging and soften your lines.

  1. It helps you guard against skin cancer.

While it’s best to protect your skin by reducing sun exposure, coating coffee on your sunburn prone parts will also prevent the sun’s harmful rays to damage your skin.

  1. It helps you exfoliate.

Coffee mixed with Epsom salt is used in body spas as an effective way to exfoliate.

  1. It tints your hair.

Adding a teaspoon or two of ground coffee to your hair conditioner could add a tint to your hair.

  1. It increases your face blood circulation.

A coffee ice cube rubbed on your eye area and the bone structure of the face will increase your face’s blood circulation as well as brighten your face.

Order your coffee now!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Black Coffee Health Benefits

For our fellow coffee lovers, the Times of India published in their website last July 1, 2017 that black coffee is beneficial to our health.

Black coffee according to the report can heal if consumed the right way. Black coffee is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients. The most important health benefits of black coffee are the following:
1. Boost Memory
2. Improves pereformance during workout
3. Beneficial for liver
4. Makes you intelligent
5. Cleanses your stomach
6. Helps in weight loss
7. Improves cardiovascular health
8. Powerhouse of antioxidants
9. Decreases diabetes risk
10. Makes you age gracefully
11. Reduces risk of cancer.
12. Makes you happy.
13. Reduces stress and depression
14. Protects against gout

You can read more about the above mentioned health benefits of black coffee by visiting the Times of India.

How Drinking Coffee Makes You Alert

Feeling tired due to insufficient sleep? A cup of joe answers that. One health benefit of coffee is that it makes you feel alert and ene...